Employment Services
- Address:
- 2314 N. Broadway
Denver, CO 80205 - Main Phone Number:
- 303.813.0005
- Hours:
- Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Orientation (must attend to access services) Tuesday and Thursdays at 9 a.m..
Participants in the Employment Services program come from St. Francis Center’s day shelter program, drug and alcohol programs, parole and corrections transition services, and other community organizations. Our program helps adults develop skills, gain work experience, and connect with full-time employment. Services are designed to end the cycle of poverty and promote economic self-sufficiency.
The first step to access services is to go through one of our bi-weekly orientations, which happen every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m.
Employment Services programming focuses on:
Soft Skills and Job Readiness
Because many adults seeking jobs do not have job readiness skills, St. Francis Center will help them obtain basic skills and overcome barriers to employment opportunities. The employment program will help people learn how to effectively search for jobs, prepare resumes and job applications, and prepare for job interviews.
St. Francis Center’s case managers will help participants overcome barriers to success by connecting prospective jobseekers with resources such as healthcare (medical, mental health, dental, vision), food, child care and housing; helping individuals obtain work clothing, work boots, tools, and legal identification; providing financial management and life skills trainings to provide additional support to participants.
Specialized Career Training
Employment staff meet individually with participants to develop a career profile and interests inventory, identify their interests in training, and match those skills and interests with appropriate training options.
Options for training include the following:
- Customized Training- We will help adults enroll in a number of off-site trainings with our partner agencies. Partnerships with Community College of Denver, Red Rocks Gateway Program, Emily Griffith Opportunity School, and private industry training providers will provide customized job training opportunities for our clients. Participants will also receive help accessing training in areas such as computers and first aid that will improve their chances at obtaining a full-time job.
Job Placement
We place adults in employment opportunities. For those who are placed, we will provide bus tokens and bus passes to ensure that people can travel to their jobs. St. Francis Center employment staff will carry out job development with prospective employers. Participants will receive help preparing resumes and job applications, preparing for interviews, and searching for employment.